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Governor Edwards issued vetoes on topics like a drug court funding bill touted by Attorney General Jeff Landry, mandatory election auditing by Senator Heather Cloud, ethics exemptions for Baton Rouge area groundwater board members, and, as is customary, line-item vetoed pet projects in districts held by his most prominent Republican rivals.

Pinsonat says without Edwards’ rejection of legislation banning transgender women from womens’ sports there’s a good chance this session would have never been called.

Cut 7 (07) “day one”

Major disaster aid is one step closer to reaching Louisiana, that’s more than 10 months since Hurricane Laura. Governor Edwards says the state has demonstrated $3-billion in unmet needs from Laura, Delta, and Zeta. He says the state had to make sure the numbers agreed with HUD because they oversee block grant funding for disaster recovery.

Cut 12 (05) “to begin with”

There are growing concerns among health experts that the delta variant of COVID could bring a return of the mask mandate. Brooke Thorington has more

Cut 2 (30) “I’m Brooke Thorington”

State Transportation Secretary Shawn Wilson says a roughly half-trillion-dollar bipartisan agreement in the US Senate could alleviate many of the state’s long-suffering infrastructure concerns.

Wilson says this infrastructure package is a generational piece of legislation and the greatest investment in infrastructure since the New Deal.

Cut 4 (05) “involved”

Wilson says Louisiana currently has a D minus grade for infrastructure from the American Society of Civil Engineers.