####Correction on Newscall involving the daycare story. The names of the daycare facilities were put in the wrong order in the first version of the newscall. It’s been corrected###
Over 260 bills passed in this year’s legislative session become law on August 1st. Jeff Palermo looks at two of the new laws…
CUT 1 (28) “I’m Jeff Palermo”
A study finds older adults that stop driving have an increased risk of health problems. Emelie Gunn has more on why…
CUT 2 (26) “I’m Emelie Gunn”
Over 260 bills passed in this year’s legislative session become law on August 1st. One measure makes it illegal to post or share nude images of people on the internet without their consent. Kenner Representative Julie Stokes, who authored the legislation, says “revenge porn” has destroyed lives…
CUT 3 (07) “that they’re used”
Violators of the law could face up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Prior laws made it illegal to send nude images of someone under the age of 17, but this is aimed at protecting adults. Stokes says this law sends a powerful message…
CUT 4 (11) “line somewhere”
Another law going into effect Saturday doubles littering fines across the state. Fines for simple littering will go from $75 to $150 and up to $1000 for subsequent offenses. Susan Russell, Executive Director of Keep Louisiana Beautiful, says they support anything that increases the litter enforcement effort…
CUT 5 (06) “in our state”
Improper disposal of items like furniture and appliances could end up costing offenders $10,000 under the new law. The additional revenue will go toward the retirement system of the agency that issues the litter citation. Russell says it’s a shame that laws like this need to be on the books…
CUT 6 (07) “to be enforced”
Lake Charles Police announce that they have solved an aggravated rape case from October of 1999. Deputy Chief of Police, Mark Kraus, says the seven month investigation culminated in an arrest warrant for 45-year-old Austin Mott. Kraus says advances in technology led to them getting a DNA match from the physical evidence…
CUT 7 (07) “against a child”
In the 1999 incident, the victim was severely beaten and sexually assaulted while jogging at the Lake Charles Civic Center. Kraus says Mott is a registered sex offender who is currently serving time in Texas for an unrelated sex offense…
CUT 8 (04) “he belongs”
He says they have re-opened several cold cases in recent months and are working diligently to solve them. Kraus has a message for anyone who has committed a violent crime against the citizens of southwest Louisiana…
CUT 9 (05) “on our victims”
A new report finds older adults that stop driving are almost two times more likely to suffer from depression and nearly 5 times more likely to enter a long term care facility than those who remain behind the wheel. The study is by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and Columbia University. AAA Spokesperson Don Redman says the results are not all that surprising.
cut 10 (10) “our freedom”
Redman says many adults are having to talk to their elderly parents about taking away their keys. He says if you do take that step, it could lead to your parents becoming less social and active….
cut 11 (09) “the community”
Redman says this study shows that if you or your parents are no longer able to drive, it’s important that you still help them remain mobile…
cut 12 (10) “of things”
State Superintendent of Education John White announces two daycare centers in Louisiana have had their licenses revoked – one in Baton Rouge and one in Bossier City. He says while the majority of child care providers do an excellent job taking care of kids, there are a couple who refuse to follow the law…:
cut 13 (10) “the state”
White says the Our Blessings Christian Daycare Learning Center in Baton Rouge is the one whose staff is accused of leaving a two-year-old child at a restaurant amusement venue and not telling the parents or the state. He says they know of some cases in which a daycare had its license revoked recently but they’ve continued operating…:
cut 14 (11) “has a license”
White says the Storybook Daycare and Discovery Zone in Bossier City had its license taken away due to continued regulations violations including improper child/staff ratio and not conducting employee background checks. He most Louisiana child care providers are doing an excellent job taking care of kids…:
cut 15 (11) “condition”