A Sulpher middle school teacher takes home a Music Educator Grammy for his work in the classroom. Matt Doyle has the story.
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The split LHSAA playoffs will remain in place after high school principals failed to approve proposals to bring the association back together. Jeff Palermo has more….
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Maplewood Middle School in Sulphur is home to a Grammy winner in Mickey Smith, who was honored with the Music Educator Award. Smith says he received the award for his work at a school he grew up just a few blocks away from…
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The educator will receive a 10,000 dollar honorarium with a matching school grant.
Smith was nominated and ultimately won, due to his charity work providing kids with instruments, and his ability to massively expand Maplewood’s music program.
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His charity is MusicMakers2U and can be found at his website MickeySmithJr.com
Smith came onto the Grammy’s radar after he was nominated by Sulphur local, two time Grammy nominee Sean Ardoin, who’s known for his work in creole rock and roll…
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AAA is warning of the potential impacts that legalization of recreational marijuana could have on Louisiana roadways ahead of the legislative session that begins in March. AAA spokesperson Don Redman says in the five years prior to the state of Washington legalizing recreational use, 9% of drivers involved in fatal crashes tested positive for THC.
Cut 6 (11) “…impaired on marijuana.”
Redman says lawmakers need to consider the serious ramifications as laws against driving high will be very hard to enforce and impairment tricky to determine once recreational use is legal.
Cut 7 (09) “…are being abused.”
Redman says drivers are already very nonchalant about toking and driving as 70% think they won’t be caught, and it has the potential to get worse.
Cut 8 (13) “…on the highways.”
Louisiana State Police added 51 Troopers to its force as their 99th cadet class graduated Friday. State Police Lt Nick Manale says the newly inducted cadets underwent 23 weeks of intense training and their education doesn’t stop there….
Cut 9 (09) “…out their career.”
During the 23-weeks of training at the Louisiana State Police Academy cadets undergo a combination of both classroom and physical drills. Manale says the cadets also receive plenty of hands-on instruction.
Cut 10 (12) “regimen.”
Manale says they are prepping for their historic 100th cadet class at the LSP Academy and graduation day is a momentous occasion for every trooper.
Cut 11 (11) “…very challenging.”
For more information on becoming a state trooper visit lsp.org/recruit.html
Proposals to end the public-private school split in postseason play for football, basketball, baseball, and softball high school sports failed to pass on the final day of the LHSAA annual convention. LHSAA executive director Eddie Bonine has worked for the last five years to end the split
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Bonine says they are about 50 votes short shy of ending the split.
A majority of principals voted for North Vermilion High School principal Tommy Byler’s proposal to bring the association back together. It would have created six classes and eight in all other sports and many select schools would play at a higher classification. But Byler’s proposal needed to receive a two-thirds vote in favor…
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High School principals can not vote again on another proposal to unify the association until next year. Bonine says in the meantime they’ll look to better define what a select or private school is
Cut 14 (09) “…all sports.”