It’s the first full day of the redistricting session where Democrats are pushing for a second minority-majority Congressional District while Republicans propose district lines to resemble the current map. Brooke Thorington has more.
Cut 1 (29) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”
By simply filling out a survey, Louisiana families could receive assistance as they recover from major storms over the past two years. David Grubb has more.
Cut 2 (34) “…I’m David Grubb.”
Governor John Bel Edwards gave his side of the story after allegations he withheld information about Ronald Greene’s 2019 death and tried to impede an investigation while campaigning for a second term. Brooke Thorington has more.
Cut 3 (35) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”
Today is the first full day of the redistricting session and the creation of a second minority-majority congressional district could be the most contentious debate of the session. Of the state’s six districts only one is majority Black. Baton Rouge Democratic Senator Cleo Fields says it’s time for another district because the 33-percent of the state’s population is black.
Cut 4 (10) “…than fair..”
While the map Republicans are pushing for makes minimal changes to the current district lines, Fields has filed legislation to allow for second Black to be elected. He says failure to do so is a federal violation.
Cut 5 (09) “…black district.”
The state senate has a Republican super-majority but Fields says if they fail to add a second minority-majority district then it will either be vetoed by the governor and if overridden, decided in court.
Cut 6 (12) “…absolutely wrong.”
Louisiana is encouraging homeowners who sustained damage from Hurricanes Laura and Delta in 2020 to fill out a survey at Louisiana Office of Community Development Director Pat Forbes says the state will soon receive 600-million dollars in federal disaster block grant funding and answers to this survey will help determine how the money is allocated…
Cut 7 (09) “…out there.”
Forbes says they know there are many homeowners struggling financially as a result of the storm damage done to their homes in 2020 and the goal is to get this assistance out quickly once it becomes available…
Cut 8 (09) “….vulnerable people first.”
The survey will help guide the state in developing its action plan for those funds. Homeowners can complete the survey online or on their mobile devices at restore-dot-la-dot-gov, or by calling 866.735.2001. Forbes says the process is easy to navigate and complete.
Cut 9 (08) “…easy to sign up.”
The OCD is also urging any homeowner impacted by hurricanes over the last two years, including Hurricane Ida, to complete the survey, because they expect more federal assistance to become available.
Governor John Bel Edwards denies his office impeded an investigation into the death of Black motorist, Ronald Greene, who died in State Police custody following a violent struggle with Troopers. Edwards met with reporters at the state capitol after accusations were made that his office was involved in a cover-up…
Cut 10 (10) “…categorically false.”
Edwards has been embattled in a controversy over what he knew about Greene’s death since an Associated Press report suggested he may have kept details of the police custody death quiet because he was up for re-election in 2019. But Edwards says he never interfered with the investigation…
Cut 11 (11) “…being served.”
Edwards met with the Legislative Black Caucus on Tuesday and Republican House Speaker Clay Schexnayder is calling for a legislative investigation to determine if Edwards did anything wrong. The governor was asked about an investigation by a GOP-led legislature…
Cut 12 (09) “…would stop.”
Louisiana State Treasurer John Schroder has launched a new campaign to heighten awareness of the unclaimed property program. It’s called the Louisiana Cash Campaign and Schroder says it’s a renewed effort to return over 900-million dollars in unclaimed property to the rightful owner…
Cut 13 (06) “…keep promoting.”
Schroder says there’s a new website for you to check if you have any unclaimed money in your name and that’s La-Cash-Claim-dot-org. He says they are also rolling out a series of digital promotions and commercials in an effort to get people to check to see if they have any money owed to them…
Cut 14 (06) “…its results.”
Unclaimed property consists of abandoned financial assets like checking and savings accounts, unpaid wages, life insurance payouts, and proceeds from safe deposit boxes. Schroder says one in six Louisiana residents have an unclaimed property…
Cut 15 (09) “…today.”
National Signing Day is Tuesday, the first for Brian Kelly as the head man at LSU. Glen West, editor of LSU Country for Sports Illustrated says even with the outstanding job that Kelly has done already, the Tigers can never have too much talent.
Cut 16 (07) “…on the roster.”
Though LSU filled a number of needs during the early signing period, West says the Tigers still have position groups that they are targeting.
Cut 17 (14) “ …another offensive lineman.”
A big part of Kelly’s recruiting has been identifying the types of players that fit his vision for what an LSU Tiger should be on the field and off.
Cut 18 (14) “ …a positive way.”