6:30 LRN Newscast February 2

Governor John Bel Edwards says it’s categorically false that he was involved in any wrongdoing following the aftermath of Ronald Greene’s death. Greene, a Black motorist, died in State Police custody after a police chase through north Louisiana that ended with Troopers punching and tasing him.

Edwards has been embattled in a controversy over what he knew about Greene’s death since an Associated Press report suggested he may have kept details of the police custody death quiet because he was up for re-election in 2019. But Edwards says he never interfered with the investigation…
Cut 11 (11) “…being served.”
Edwards held the press conference one day after Republican House Speaker Clay Schexnayder said the legislature should seek the truth over what the governor knew about Greene’s death.

The redistricting session is underway and Democrats are pushing for a second minority-majority Congressional District…
Cut 1 (29) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”

State Treasurer John Schroder has launched a new campaign to heighten awareness of the unclaimed property program. Schroder says the Louisiana Cash campaign is a renewed effort to return over 900-million dollars in unclaimed property to residents…
Cut 13 (06) “…keep promoting.”
The new website to check for unclaimed property is LA-Cash-Claim-dot-org.