7:30 LRN Newscast February 2

Governor John Bel Edwards denies his office impeded an investigation into the death of Black motorist, Ronald Greene, who died in State Police custody following a violent struggle with Troopers. Edwards met with reporters to respond to accusations his office was involved in a cover-up…
Cut 10 (10) “…categorically false.”
Edwards says he had to be limited in what he could say about Greene’s death because of an ongoing federal investigation.

Louisiana is encouraging homeowners who sustained damage from Hurricanes Laura and Delta in 2020 to fill out a survey at restore.la.gov. Office of Community Development Director Pat Forbes says the state will soon receive 600-million dollars in federal disaster block grant funding and answers to this survey will help determine how the money is allocated…
Cut 7 (09) “…out there.”

The redistricting session is underway and a major storyline is an effort by Democrats to create a second majority-minority Congressional District. Baton Rouge Senator Cleo Fields says its warranted because 33-percent of the state’s population is black and Louisiana only has one majority-minority district…
cut 6 (12) “….absolutely wrong”
Fields says it’s possible this issue will have to be settled by the courts.

Treasurer John Schroder says there’s a new website for Louisiana residents to check to see if the state is holding unclaimed dollars that belong to you. Schroder says the website is La-cash-claim-dot-org. He says they are also rolling out a series of digital promotions and commercials in an effort to get people to check to see if they have any money owed to them…
Cut 14 (06) “…its results.”
Schroder says the state has 900-million dollars in unclaimed property.