lRN Newscast 15:30 January 22, 2015

Tom Benson has announced the ownership of both the News Orleans Saints and Pelicans will transfer to his wife, Gayle, upon his death. The Voice of the Saints Jim Henderson says you could observe the office strain between his wife, adopted daughter, and grandkids…
CUT 4 (10) Q: “and his support”
Rita Benson and the grandkids filed a lawsuit today contesting that decision, saying that the 87 year-old Benson is incapacitated.

“The Bone Lady” is retiring. Mary Manhein from the LSU FACES Lab says her last day will be April 30th. She consulted on hundreds of forensic cases, and most memorably instances where the DNA from an unidentified person got matched up with someone from across the country…:
CUT 8 (07) Q: “like that”
A Rayne woman has been arrested for the death of her fiance’s 3-year-old son in May, while he was under her care. Twenty-four year-old Brittany Marie Prejean was booked shortly after the coroner’s report came back on 3 year-old Keagyhn Parsons, saying he had died due to blunt force trauma…
CUT 11 (10) Q: ‘will set bond”
That’s Acadia Parish Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Maxine Trahan.

LDWF is offering a $10,000 reward for information about the whooping crane that was shot in Vermilion Parish, then later died. Spokesman Adam Einck says the whooping crane is one of the world’s most endangered birds and now, this is the 6th one that has been shot and killed in Louisiana…:
CUT 13 (09) Q: “at large cases”
If you have any information go online to wlf-dot-Louisiana-dot-gov.