Governor Landry’s legislative priorities are running into resistance in the Senate. A House approved school choice bill the governor supports has yet to be heard by Senate Education. Landry also backs a major change in the public records law, but the bill awaits a debate on the Senate floor. And Senate President Cameron Henry also does not fully support a proposed constitutional convention. Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat…
Pinsonat says Representative Julie Emerson’s Education Savings Account bill passed 72 to 32 in the House on April 8, but the measure to greatly expand the state’s voucher program is stalled in the Senate…
Cut 14 (12) “…in a committee.”
State lawmakers have convinced the Landy Administration to participate in the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program which helps feed children from needy families. Jeff Palermo has more…
Cut 20 (35) “…I’m Jeff Palermo”
And the House is scheduled to vote Tuesday on House Bill 800 to hold a Constitutional Convention that would begin on May 20th. The vote was moved from Wednesday, and bill author New Iberia Representative Beau Beaullieu added amendments that the homestead exemption would remain intact and private donations would not be used to help defer costs for the convention.