10:30 AM Newscast

Could further legal ramifications be a concern for suspended LSU basketball coach Will Wade?  Matt Doyle spoke with legal analyst Tim Meche to find out.

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A helicopter crash has left one dead and another missing.  The aircraft crashed into the Gulf of Mexico on Sunday in a flight between Galliano and Venice.  The Coast Guard responded to the crash around 1:42 p.m.  Authorities confirmed Nicholas Duplantis, of Houma, was killed in the accident. The pilot remains missing.


Health officials say another strain of influenza has emerged and it’s H-3-N-2. That’s the strain that killed 80-thousand Americans last year. LSU Health New Orleans Infectious Disease specialist, Doctor Fred Lopez, says so far this year’s influenza season has been much milder than last year…

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He says the best protection from the H-3-N-2 flu strain is to get vaccinated against the flu.

The U-S House has approved a sweeping election reform package, but Republicans oppose it. The proposal would create independent redistricting commissions to draw voting districts. But Republican Congressman Ralph Abraham says that’s a duty best left to the states….

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The proposal is not expected to get a vote in the Senate.