6:30 LRN Newscast June 29

Once abortion trigger laws go into effect in Louisiana a performing physician could be heavily fined and serve jail time, but a legal advocacy group says they’ll defend their case. Brooke Thorington explains…:

CUT 03(32)      “…Brooke Thorington.”

There’s also a newly signed law that would punish those who provide abortion pills via mail order or parcel delivery. It would punish the provider with fines and even jail time. The women who take the pills would not be prosecuted. That bill takes effect August 1st.


The United States Supreme Court issues a hold on a lower court ruling that Louisiana must draw a new congressional map. Federal Judge Shelly Dick was to receive a map with two Black majority districts drawn by attorneys today.  But Attorney General Jeff Landry petitioned the high court for the map passed by the majority Republican legislature to be effective for the fall 2022 election…:

CUT 13(08)      “…by that legislature.”

Baton Rouge Democrat Senator Cleo Fields says he’s disappointed, but he’ll continue to fight for that second majority Black district.

Buying fireworks for the Fourth? Todd Tullier of Louisiana Fireworks in Denham Springs says some traditional items like sparklers and smaller firecrackers may be harder to come by, but there’s plenty of “the big stuff”…:

CUT 07(08)      “…ready to go.”

Make sure it’s legal to use fireworks in your area.