Today is the last day to register to vote for the upcoming November 4th election and Secretary of State Tom Schedler is urging Louisianians to make sure they can cast a ballot. He says this is one of the largest elections ever as far as offices up for grabs…
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He says this deadline is for citizens who have never registered to vote as well as voters who would like to make changes to their registration.
Governor Bobby Jindal continues to make appearances across the country as everyone wonders whether or not he will run for president in 2016. Today, the governor will give a speech about rebuilding America’s military strength at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC. Jindal says, as he’s traveled across the country, he gets a sense that people want a major change of direction in the nation’s capital…
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Jindal plans to give a similar speech tomorrow at The Citadel in South Carolina.
Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell wants an independent review of SWEPCO’s ability to maintain service during severe weather. Officials with SWEPCO reported widespread power outages due to a thunderstorm that traveled through the area late last week. Campbell says this is the second time in three months weather has caused widespread outages for SWEPCO customers and he wants answers…
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SWEPCO reported as many as 35,000 resident were left without power due to thunderstorm activity last week.
This week, the state Department of Health and Hospitals is providing a flyer to Louisiana schools to inform parents about the Ebola virus. DHH spokesperson Olivia Watkins says a lot of the social media rumors about Ebola are being spread by young people. She says DHH wanted to make sure parents had accurate up to date information…
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Parents will recieve the information directly from the school district. The flyer is also available on the DHH webpage.