1230PM LRN News

President Trump says he’ll be back in Louisiana before the November 16th run-off to rally support for Eddie Rispone, but it’s still unclear as to when, or where that will be. LSU Shreveport Poli Sci Professor Jeff Sadow says there likely won’t be early voting period visits from the President because the kinds of people who early vote don’t really need any more encouragement, and usually can’t be swayed.

Cut 4 (09) “…ago.”

Vice President Mike Pence made a trip to Baton Rouge Monday, but it wasn’t a rally, it was a 5,000 dollar a plate fundraiser for Rispone.

A fire destroys the Livingston Parish home of a murder suspect, Errol Hicks, that is currently in jail.  State Fire Marshal spokesperson Ashley Rodrigue says the blaze was a very destructive fire making the investigation a challenging one.

Cut 6 (10) “…their investigative efforts”

Livingston Parish Fire Protection districts 6, 7, and 4 worked to combat the blaze before 4 am Monday.

Trick-or-treaters may be visiting homes with blue bucket pumpkins looking for candy. What does the blue color signify? Kevin Barnhart has the details.

Cut 1 (30) “I”m Kevin Barnhart”