12:30 LRN Newscast January 5

A mother and her three children have survived an attack by a man with a knife who stabbed the four victims and also turned the knife on himself. East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s office spokesperson Casey Rayborn Hicks says they arrested 29-year-old Dung Van Tran…
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Hicks says all of the stabbing wounds are non-life threatening.

There’s been another fatal fire in Baton Rouge. Kelley Ray has more on the rash of deadly fires…
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Louisiana’s U-S Senators strongly support President Donald Trump’s propoosal to expand offshore drilling. The Trump administration would like to see drilling occur from the Atlantic to the Artic oceans. Republican Bill Cassidy says for decades past administrations have handcuffed American energy manufacturers….
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Cassidy says if more areas are open to oil and gas production, it will create 31-thousand jobs in Louisiana. Environmental groups are raising concerns about the President’s proposal.