3:30 PM Newscast June 14

In a surprising turn of events, U.S. Rep. Garret Graves said Friday he will not seek re-election to Congress. Lawmakers this year reconfigured Graves’ district after federal courts told the state to create a second minority-majority district. Graves says, “After much input from constituents, consultation with supporters, consensus from family, and guidance from the Almighty, it is clear that running for Congress this year does not make sense.”


The FBI is now the lead agency in the horrific kidnapping and murder of a three-year-old girl from Loranger. Erin Brunett and her 6-year-old sister Jalie were taken from their home by 36-year-old Daniel Callahan, who allegedly killed their mother Callie Brunett, and took them to Jackson, Mississippi. Jackson Police Chief Joseph Wade…

Cut 3 (13) “…child’s life.” 

An accomplice 32-year-old Victoria Cox has been arrested in connection with the case

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) is offering a free online or in-person boating safety course. In the last five years, there have been 107 boating fatalities in Louisiana, 82 percent of which involved boaters without a personal floatation device. Major Clay Marquez identified alcohol as the highest risk factor involved in boating fatalities and says reckless boaters may not come from where you think…

Cut 10 (11) “…getting killed.”



After months of legal disputes, preparatory work on the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion is set to start again. Houma Representative Jerome Zerengue (rhymes with merengue) says the diversion, which would redirect some of the Mississippi’s sediment-heavy water into a new channel and guide it into the Barataria Basin, has years of research behind it.

Cut 6 (07) “…go wham. ”