The woman charged in the death of toddler death of four-year-old Erin Brunette of Loranger in Mississippi says the last time she saw her and her six-year-old sister Jalie, they were both alive. Brooke Thorington has more.
Cut 1 (33) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”
Former LSU football coach Les Miles is suing the university over vacating 37 of the coach’s wins preventing him from eligibility for College Football Hall of Fame Consideration. Kace Kieschnick has the story…
Cut 2 (32) “…I’m Kace Kieschnick.”
Despite state and federal efforts, 1 in 3 people in Winn Parish don’t have access to affordable, high-speed internet. Mel Bridges has more.
Cut 3 (32) “…I’m Mel Bridges.”
Victoria Cox, the woman who’s been charged in the death of four-year-Erin Brunett along with Daniel Callihan said in Mississippi courtroom Monday that the last time she saw the two girls they were both alive. Callihan confessed to authorities and the media Friday and Jackson Police Chief Joshep Wade believes they have a solid case.
Both Cox and Callihan have been charged with murder and sexual battery in Mississippi. Wade opted not to elaborate on the sexual battery charges as they pertained to the young girls.
Cut 5 (12) “…appropriate charge.”
After processing the crime scene for three days in Mississippi, Wade says he has more questions than answers and wants to know why Callihan and Cox brought the two girls to Mississippi.
Wade says the FBI is expected to hand down charges in a matter of days.
Former LSU Head Football Coach Les Miles is suing the school over its decision to vacate 37 of his teams’ wins between 2012 and 2015. The vacated victories bring Miles’s career winning percentage from .665 to .597, just under the College Football Hall of Fame’s 60-percent threshold for eligibility. Miles’s attorney Peter Ginsberg says he isn’t seeking monetary compensation…
The sanctions stem from an NCAA ruling that former Tigers offensive lineman Vadal Alexander’s father received financial benefits from a school booster violating NCAA rules. Ginsberg asserts there is no evidence or implication Miles had any knowledge of this, and the university self-imposed excessive sanctions including a one year bowl-ban in order to protect itself from NCAA punishment regarding the illegal recruiting practices of former men’s basketball coach Will Wade…
Cut 8 (12) “…Basketball program.”
The lawsuit also names the NCAA and College Football Hall of Fame as defendants and comes only after a lack of action and communication from LSU. Ginsberg says he met with a high-ranking university official who promised the university’s support months ago before ceasing communication. Ginsberg says Miles’s cause is not a selfish one…
Cut 9 (10) “…those victories.”
Crestworth Elementary math teacher Derrick Winn received the Milken Educators Award on February 6th, 2024. After observing Winn for close to a year, getting interviews, and receiving letters from friends and coworkers it was clear that they had the right teacher.
Cut 10 (09) “…after everything.”
The award comes with a cash prize of $25,000 and a trip to LA to attend the “Oscars for Teachers”. But Winn says its much more than that.
Winn says that next school year he plans to use what he has learned from this opportunity and continue Winn’s Math Fact Challenge and the fourth annual “March Math-ness”.
Cut 12 (12) “…(x2) they could.”
The Milken Educator Awards targets early-to-mid career education professionals for their already impressive achievements and, more significantly, for the promise of what they will accomplish in the future.
Despite state and federal efforts, 1 in 3 people in Winn Parish don’t have access to affordable, high-speed internet. Though schools, libraries, and most buildings in towns have high-speed internet, many individuals in the parish do not. Parish School Superintendent Al Simmons…
Cut 13 (12) “…a lot of folks.”
Simmons thinks Winn Parish could get high-speed internet in the second round of broadband programs from the state Office of Broadband Development and Connectivity, which could come anywhere from a few months to a few years. Though people in the parish have made it work up until this point, Simmons says better internet is needed and needed soon.
Until affordable, high-speed internet comes to the majority of Winn Parish, Simmons says, residents will have to continue to do school assignments, telehealth, and remote work from hotspots and public buildings.
Cut 15 (11) “…public utility.”
Cut 18 (20) “…getting better.”