6:30 LRN Newscast

There are two weeks left in the legislative session and one of the major bills that has yet to be decided is the measure that calls for a Constitutional Convention. Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat says the bill is still awaiting a discussion in the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee…
cut 14 (06) “….will happen”
Republican megadonor Lane Grigsby has recommended the governor should scrap the idea of having Jeff Landry picking 27 delegates for the proposed convention.

Governor Landry has appointed Dustin Yates as the mayor of the state’s newest city. St. George. The state Supreme Court has ruled for the incorporation of St. George, after 54-percent of voters living in the proposed city’s limits in East Baton Rouge voted to have their own city. National headlines have painted this as an attempt by whites to create their own majority city, but Yates says this is about controlling their own tax dollars…
cut 6 (13) “….our residents”

President Biden has signed the FAA Reauthorization Bill. Baton Rouge Congressman Garret Graves had a major part in crafting the legislation. He says it’s good news for Louisiana travelers. One focus of the bill is to improve the overall experience for airline customers. Graves says that means everything from the baggage claim to air traffic control.
Cut 7 (11) “..experience for the family.”
One new provision is airlines must issue an automatic refund in cases when a flight is canceled or there is a long delay.

Congressman Graves says he plans to run for re-election, but he hasn’t committed if it will be the sixth District, his current seat that was reapportioned as the state’s second majority-Black district. LSU Political Science Professor Robert Hogan says Graves could run against fellow Republican Julia Letlow in the fifth district…
Cut 10 (10) “…Republican district.”