10:30 LRN Newscast December 20

Governor John Bel Edwards end of the year report indicates the state is in good shape financially and more people are working than ever before.
Cut 2 (30) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”

Judge Tim Kelley has dismissed seven of the 13 counts in a lawsuit filed by former LSU Associate Athletic Director Sharon Lewis who claimed she faced an atmosphere of hostility and discrimination after she reported sexual harassment claims made by two female students against former coach Les Miles.

Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin has banned the use of TikTok on any device issued by the Secretary of State’s Office. Deputy Secretary of Outreach Services, Joel Watson, says it’s an issue of cybersecurity…
cut 6 (13) “….here today”
Watson says Ardoin has also asked the governor to ban TikTok on all devices owned or leased by all state agencies.

The Louisiana Public Service Commission has delayed a vote on Entergy’s request for customers to pay an additional six-dollars a month for the next 15 years to pay for the costs associated with recovery from five named storms in 2020 and 2021. PSC Member Foster Campbell believes Entergy’s shareholders should split those costs with customers…
Cut 13 (10) “…hell with that.”
In February, the PSC approved an average storm recovery cost surcharge of about ten-dollars per month for 15 years.