LRN Newscast 15:30 06-26-15

Gay and lesbian couples across Louisiana are celebrating today’s historic Supreme Court ruling that legalizes same-sex marriages in every state. Matthew Patterson, with Equality Louisiana, says it’s hard to put into words what this decision means…
CUT 6 (09) “actually happen”

But Gene Mills, with the Louisiana Family Forum, says the Supreme Court has stripped all Americans of the freedom to debate and decide marriage policy through the democratic process…
CUT 7 (08) “policy”
The Louisiana Clerks of Court Association says they will not issue marriage licenses to gay couples until the Supreme Court challenge period of 25 days is over.
It is now illegal in Louisiana to post or share nude images of people on the internet without their consent. Governor Bobby Jindal signed Kenner Representative Julie Stokes’ “revenge porn” bill into law. Stokes says she is not surprised the governor signed the measure…
CUT 3 (07) “things like this”
So now, violators of the law could face up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is taking part in Operation Dry Water this weekend, with increased patrols on some hot spots for drinking to check for boaters driving while drunk. LDWF Spokesman Adam Einck says many people aren’t aware that DWI laws on the water are the same as if you were driving a car….
CUT 14 (07) Q: ’9 yards’
He says their boater’s safety course has helped to water fatalities in half so far this year.