With the height of hurricane season just a couple weeks away, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration revises its forecast number of storms downward…slightly. NOAA forecaster Mark Rosencrans says conditions still favor an above-average season…:
CUT 09(09) “…become hurricanes.”
The state Fire Marshal’s Office is investigating a fatal fire in Pineville Tuesday that took the life of an elderly man. Spokesperson Ashley Rodrigue says the victim was found in his bathtub, and the fire apparently started in the carport; perhaps caused by faulty wiring. Her advice…?
CUT 14(08) “…in the home.”
Rodrigue says the home had no working smoke detectors. The 71-year-old victims’ name has not yet been released.
Democrat Luke Mixon of Bunkie, who is challenging Senator John Kennedy’s re-election bid, says – if elected – he would vote to codify Roe vs Wade abortion rights in federal law. Mixon says the abortion bans that some states have put in place are too radical…:
CUT 03(05) “…their assailant’s child.”
Louisiana’s abortion ban does not allow for exceptions for rape or incest.
State Wildlife & Fisheries agents, doing a routine life preserver compliance check on Oyster Bayou in Terrebonne Parish, wound up arresting the boat skipper for taking sharks over the limit, AND for possessing narcotics. Agents said they saw 44-year-old Anouda Lirette tossing a shark overboard as they pulled up. In addition to the sharks, they found methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia. Lirette was booked into the Terrebonne Parish jail.
The state Department of Health reports 2085 new cases of COVID-19, with 677 currently in the hospital with symptoms. They also report 5 new COVID-related deaths.