AM LRN Newscall May 7

It’s National Hurricane Preparedness Week and the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness wants you to be ready.  Sean Richardson has more.

Cut 1 (31) “…I’m Sean Richardson.”


At the state capitol, the House is expected to vote today on a bill on whether to hold a Constitutional Convention later this month. Brooke Thorington has more.

Cut 2 (31)  “I’m Brooke Thorington.” 


A meeting was held Monday on the remedial process of how the state’s congressional map will be drawn. Brooke Thorington has more.

Cut 3 (30) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.” 


Its National Hurricane Preparedness Week, and GOHSEP Director Jacques Thibeadeaux  wants to make sure you are ready for an active hurricane season. Here are a few things you can do to make sure you are prepared.

Cut 4 (08) “…Senior citizens.”

Thibeadeaux suggest having an emergency fund ready and not wait to start saving up.

Cut 5 (07) “…for that.” 

Thibeadeaux says now is a good time to make sure you know where to evacuate and what you’ll need…

Cut 6 (11) “…storm may be.”

Colorado State University conducts long-range forecasts and they anticipate a very active 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, with the possibility of 23 named storms, 11 hurricanes, and 5 of those likely becoming Major Hurricanes.


The Louisiana House is scheduled to vote today on whether to hold a Constitutional Convention later this month. Revising the constitution is one of Governor Jeff Landry’s priorities, but political analyst Bernie Pinsonat says it will need a two-thirds majority to pass.

Cut 7 (11) “…thin majority.”

The full House was scheduled to vote on the bill last week but it was pushed to today.

Pinsonat says for more assurance that the convention will receive passage in the House, the Republicans will need to reach across the aisle.

Cut 8 (07) “…(x2) of Democrats.” 

The bill was amended to protect the homestead exemption, the K-12 funding formula, and that a third party cannot fund the convention. Pinsonat says those were big concerns and while that might be what it takes to garner enough votes for passage…

Cut 9 (08)  “…be removed.”

Landry says his motivation to hold a constitutional convention is to give lawmakers more flexibility with the budget so, when there’s less money to allocate most of the cuts won’t fall on healthcare and education.


Today, Louisiana observes National Fentanyl Awareness Day. 210 people die every day from Fentanyl overdoses and Kandyce Cowart with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana says everyone needs to be aware of how dangerous the drug is. She equates it to a jetliner crashing every day…

Cut 10 (10) “…talking about.”

Fentanyl is 100 times more potent than morphine and it has been showing up in drugs like marijuana and cocaine with deadly consequences for users who are often unaware of its presence. Cowart believes education and awareness are vital in combating the problem.

Cut 11 (08) “…word out.”

In a prescribed healthcare setting Fentanyl provides relief from severe pain, but illegal and improper use can be fatal.

Blue Cross is holding community forums at some area churches to help people learn about the dangers of Fentanyl. Cowart says the problem in Louisiana is compounded by our location…

Cut 12 (10) “…the country.” 


It’s going to be a scorcher this week with temperatures in the 90s and heat indexes reaching triple digits in Louisiana. Climatologist Barry Keim says that compared to previous years, this heat wave is early, he says it’s usually around May 12th through the 14th when the mercury hits the 90s.

Cut 13 (10)  “…the state.”

And the heat wave is bringing very high humidity levels along with it. Keim says we’re likely to feel heat indexes into the triple digits.

Cut 14 (12)  “…very nice.”

Keim says it’s usually the first heat wave of the year when individuals experience heat-related illnesses and end up in the emergency room.

Cut 15 (12)  “…the population.”



Cut 16 (15)  “..from us.”


Cut 17 (17) “…we’re doing that”


Cut 18 (20)  “… we’re in the fight.”




Cut 19 (14) “…do things.” 


Cut 20 (19) “….we practice.”