14:30 08-12-14

Louisiana’s oyster production has hit almost record lows, that have not been seen in decades. Many are blaming the BP oil spill, although BP quotes government studies that says conditions– other than the oil spill– have led to the decline, like hurricanes and an influx of fresh water. Louisiana Oyster Task Force Chairman John Tesvich says the industry is hopeful for improving conditions…:
cut 8 :10 sec. Q: “it yet”
In fact, 2014 is showing only a very slight improveent over the low numbers of 2013.

The hearing today over a parents and teachers lawsuit filed against Governor Bobby Jindal for overstepping his power to block Common Core in schools has ended this afternoon, with no decision in the case. There’s another scheduled hearing Monday on this case, unles Judge Todd Hernandez reaches a decision before then.

Jefferson Parish President John Young announces he’s joining the 2015 race for Lt. Governor. Michelle Southern has more..:

CUT V1 (33) “reporting”

There’s a supermoon in the sky right now, and with a chance of a meteor shower tomorrow morning. The Perseid meteor shower to be more specific…:
cut 10 :07 sec. Q: “coupe of seconds or so”
That’s Lee Sawyer, the Director of chemistry and Physics at Louisiana Tech.