9:30 LRN newscast

Louisiana has a combined $1.6 billion budget surplus from the last and current fiscal year and the Revenue Estimating Conference has increased revenue projections for next fiscal year by $771 million dollars. Erik Piccoli has the story…
Cut 2 (30) “…I’m Erik Piccoli.”

The Louisiana Legislature has released the official call for a redistricting session. It will begin on February 1st at 5 Pm and must adjourn no later than 6 pm on February 20th.

Louisiana has launched a Mortgage Relief Program to help homeowners who have been financially impacted by COVID-19 and behind on their mortgage and at risk of foreclosure. Louisiana Office of Community Development Deputy Executive Director Gina Campo says three-thousand people have already applied. She says you can apply at…
cut 6 (14) “…sign up”
The federal American Rescue Plan is funding the mortgage relief program.

Louisiana Public Broadcasting is on a mission to “Save Mardi Gras 2022” as they’ve started a social media campaign encouraging folks to get vaccinated. LPB Executive Producer Linda Midgett says all you have to do is watch their video, record yourself dancing and upload it to social media.
Cut 13 (11) “…do the dance.”
For more information go to LPB-dot-org-slash-SAVEMARDIGRAS.