6:30 LRN Newscast May 9

The full House has approved legislation enabling the state to hold a Constitutional Convention. An amendment was added to the measure that pushes the start date of the convention back from May 20th to August 1st. New Iberia Representative Beau Beaullieu says this was done to alleviate concerns that the state was rushing into a convention
Cut 12 (07) “…be rushed.”
The measure still needs the Senate to approve and they are not as excited about the need for a constitutional convention as the House.

Federal judges have ordered Louisiana lawmakers to try again and draw up a Congressional map that can be used for the 2024 federal elections. The three-judge panel gave lawmakers until June 3rd to approve a new map or they’ll draw one for them. Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat says this would be the Legislature’s third try…
Cut 15 (05) “…Supreme Court.”
Secretary of State Nancy Landry has said they need to have a map in place by May 15th to adequately prepare for the November Congressional races.

Public school students may not be allowed to have their phone with them during instructional time. Sean Richardson reports on a bill nearing final legislative passage…
Cut 1 (34) “…I’m Sean Richardson.”