12:30 LRN Newscast Nov 23

President Biden orders 50 million barrels of oil to be released from the strategic reserve to reduce prices at the pump. Supply versus demand has been driving up prices and LSU Center for Energy Studies, Executive Director David Dismukes says it’s not a favorable market to invest in petroleum because of clean energy policies enacted by the Biden administration

Cut 5 (08) “…energy prices.”

The barrels being released won’t hit the market until mid-to-late December.

House Governmental Affairs Chairman John Stefanski says based on conversations he’s had with lawmakers, he’s not expecting major changes to the political boundaries for the state’s six U-S House Districts…

Cut 9 (13)  “…to make ‘em work.”
Stefanski says adjustments will have to be made because of the population growth in urban areas, and a decline in rural areas.

The cruise business is ramping back up in New Orleans as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ease. More from Dave Brannen.

Cut 2 (34)…I’m Dave Brannen.”