5:30 LRN Newscast Sept 29

The mother of a 2-year-old Baton Rouge girl, Navaeh Allen, found dead In Mississippi over the weekend is now in police custody and accused of killing her.  Baton Rouge police chief Murphy Paul:

Cut 24  (11)   “…second-degree murder.”

The mother’s boyfriend, Phillip Gardner, was arrested earlier for the unlawful disposal of the girl’s remains and obstruction of justice.  He’s now charged with second-degree murder also.

The state health department says the state is making progress in the battle against COVID-19, but every single parish is at the highest possible level of community risk. Jeff Palermo has the story…

Cut 2 (29)…I’m Jeff Palermo”  


Senator Bill Cassidy and some of his colleagues on Capitol Hill are pushing legislation to delay the rollout of a plan by FEMA to hike flood insurance premiums dramatically until September 30, 2022.

Cut 6 (09) “…from their mortgage” 


Cassidy says delaying implementation of the premium revision would give lawmakers more time to address the rollout of Risk Rating 2.0. to make it more meaningful and sustainable.

The autopsy results of 20-month-old Burreaux the Baton Rouge Zoo giraffe named after LSU Heisman winner Joe Burrow indicated the young calf died from anaphylactic shock.  Zoo veterinarian Michael Warsaw says the shock was a result of an external source.

Cut 9 (08) “…going to know.”