11:30 LRN Newscast

The Landry administration has reversed course and will participate in a federal food program that provides 120-dollars per child for the summer to low income families. Appropriations Chairman Jack MacFarland was adamant on the House floor the state should provide the three-point-six million dollars to bring down 71-million dollars in federal funds….
cut 12 (08) “…to do”
A DCFS spokesperson says more details should be released today.

A Catahoula Correctional Center Inmate was fatally shot after he allegedly faked an illness during a transport and attacked two correctional officers. State Police Lt. Jared Sandifer says it happened just outside of St. Francisville Wednesday morning.
Cut 6 (12) “…this situation.”
The inmate has been identified as 46-year-old Raymond Huddleston of Baton Rouge. He was being transported to a court hearing.

Black Democrat and state senator Cleo Fields says he’s still planning to run this year to represent a second black majority congressional district, but it’s still to be determined if there will be a second majority black district…
Cut 2 (32) “I’m Brooke Thorington.”

Rain is falling across most of the state today. LRN Meteorologist Bill Jacquemin says central Louisiana could see several inches of rain…
cut 21 (11) “…low level flooding”
Rain in the forecast tomorrow too.