8:30 LRN Newscast March 23

Alexandria Senator Jay Luneau has once again filed legislation that would prohibit insuranc3e companies from deciding auto insurance premiums based on if someone is female, a widow, or has a low credit score. Luneau says your driving record should be the main factor for determining rates…
cut 15 (09) “…risk”
But Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon says actuarial data shows females are a greater risk behind the wheel, which is why they have a higher premium.

There’s a risk for flooding over the next three days which is why flash flood watches are posted for a good portion of south Louisiana. Four to eight inches of rain could fall in southeast Louisiana. State Climatologist Barry Keim says some areas could use the rain…
cut 5 (08) “….issues’

The Oregon State Board of Trustees holds another meeting today to discuss the future of their president and former LSU leader F- King Alexander. During testimony last week, Alexander blamed the LSU Board of Supervisors for acting as a roadblock when it came to disciplining as he discussed LSU’s failure to properly handle sexual misconduct cases. The LSU Board has called Alexander’s comments arrogant and condescending.

The CDC revises social distancing guidelines for schools to 3-feet instead of six. Brooke Thorington has more…
Cut 2 (29) ā€œā€¦Iā€™m Brooke Thorington.ā€