There’s encouraging news for Louisiana job seekers and employers. Colleen Crain has more on the latest from Wallet Hub.
Cut 1 (30) “…I’m Colleen Crain.”
A new Louisiana Law allowing surgical castration of those convicted of raping a child under the age of 13 becomes active this month. Colleen Crain has more…
Cut 2 (35) “…I’m Colleen Crain.”
Two new special needs playgrounds are coming to Louisiana State Parks. Sean Richardson has the story.
Cut 3 (27) “…I’m Sean Richardson.”
Some good news for both Louisiana Job Seekers and Employers as weekly unemployment claims drop. According to WalletHub Analyst, Cassandra Happe (Happy) The Bayou State stood out as one of the states that had the lowest increase in the number of people seeking unemployment benefits.
Cut 4 (12) “…the last week.”
Happe says WalletHub compares week-to-week data as well as year-to-year data and it appears Louisiana is seeing a long-term shift.
Cut 5 (10) “…last year.”
Happe says employees seem to be more engaged with the companies employing them. And as far as employment in the Bayou state is concerned, Happe believes the future could be bright.
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A new Louisiana Law allowing surgical castration of child rapists becomes active this month. Author of the legislation, Baton Rouge Senator Regina Barrow, says in her work, that she’s received countless devastating reports of child sexual abuse, some cases resulting in a child’s death or life-altering damage, and something more had to be done to stop it.
Cut 7 (10) “…more children.”
Males and Females over the age of 17 convicted of sexual abuse of a child under 13 face surgical castration. While some argue the punishment is cruel and unusual, Barrow says Judges have discretion, but the rape of a child forever changes them. Others argue the surgery will not deter all offenders. Barrow agrees…
Cut 8 (12) “…(x2) them incarcerated.”
Barrow says drastic measures needed to be taken and since the law passed the conversation has changed. She hopes the threat of losing a part of one’s anatomy will prevent child abusers from offending…
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Two new special needs playgrounds are coming to Louisiana State Parks, including special play equipment, shaded areas, benches, and picnic tables. Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser says when he took office, he realized a lot of parks weren’t special needs friendly…
Cut 10 (09) “…inviting and welcoming.”
The playgrounds are coming to Bogue Chitto and Fontainebleau state parks. Nungesser says these two playgrounds are just the beginning, as he envisions special needs-friendly structures beyond playgrounds in all 19 state parks.
Cut 11 (12) “…out in the water.”
In addition to the playgrounds, Nungesser points out that new state park cabins have amenities for special needs. He says these projects are to make sure everyone can enjoy Louisiana state parks, no matter the accommodations they might need.
Cut 12 (12) “…special need.”
The playgrounds are expected to be completed in October.
The school bell is about to ring but one thing that won’t be ringing is a cellphone. Franklinton Senator Beth Mizell authored a bill to keep phones from becoming a distraction for both teachers and students.
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When the bill was in committee at the legislature, Mizell says award-winning educators testified that cell phones were among the biggest issues when trying to keep a student’s attention.
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In her research, Mizell says many psychologists pointed out that students paying attention to a phone all the time instead of talking to each other was having detrimental effects on learning how to interact with other humans.
Cut 15 (11) “…the phone.
Mizell says she’s interested to see if the cellphone ban will impact future LEAP scores.
Cut 16 (19) “… feeling that.”
Cut 17 (16) “…younger players.”
Cut 18 (11) “…from everybody.”
Cut 19 (18) “…to do it.”
Cut 20 (20) “…we want.”