1:30 LRN Newscast November 2

A UNO Survey shows Governor Edwards has a 56-percent job approval rating. Brooke Thorington has more
cut 2 (30) “I’m Brooke Thorington”

LSU student and Phi Kappa Psi fraternity member Terry Pat Reynolds the Second has been charged with criminal hazing and failure to seek assistance. LSU has been investigating the fraternity for over a week after a male student was hospitalized. The arrest report says the victim had a blood alcohol content of nearly six times the legal limit. The freshman has since been released from the hospital.

Entergy still has 62-thousand customers without power following the Wednesday night landfall of Hurricane Zeta. That includes some polling sites without electricity. Entergy CEO Phillip May says for polling stations that don’t have power by then, they will provide a “power pod”…
Cut 13 (07) “…available”
But May says the priority right now is restoring electricity to those polling stations and getting them back on the grid.

The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority says repairs will be needed to the Burrito Levee in Grand Isle, which breached in three places when Zeta made landfall. Engineering Division Chief Rudy Simoneaux says they also need to do further inspections in lower Terrebonne Parish near Cocordie, but he says southwest Louisiana fared well despite being hammered by Laura and Delta…
cut 5 (09) “…also”