1:30 LRN Newscast

A bill to add exceptions for rape and incest to the state’s abortion ban when the victim is under the age of 17 fails in committee after emotional debate. Brooke Thorington has more.
Cut 2 (29) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”

A hospital in West Monroe is for sale. Steward Health Care system has filed for bankruptcy and they own Glenwood Regional Medical Center and so the plan to sell that hospital and several others. For over a year, Glenwood has struggled to keep supplies, maintain equipment and staff.

University Medical Center in New Orleans says it wants to recruit and employ 100 nursing technicians this summer in an effort to bolster the healthcare workforce. Spokesperson Rachel Nichols says the program takes nursing students in their junior and senior and help mentor them in to a nursing staff position
cut 7 (05) “…throughout Louisiana”
Phase one of the Nurturing the Future of Nursing begins May 20 and visit U-M-C-N-O-dot-org for more information.

The Oasis A Safe Haven, a domestic and sexual violence shelter, in Lake Charles will resume housing for survivors on Monday for the first time since Hurricane Laura hit the region in 2020. Director Kathy Manuel says since Laura, they’ve housed survivors in hotels or shelters, so they are glad this service has returned to Lake Charles…
cut 11 (12) “…a job”
The shelter was gutted after the storms and now it has new floors, walls, and a new security system.