12:30 AM Newscast

An extreme wind warning is in effect for all of Cameron and Calcasieu Parishes as well as portions of Beauregard, Allen, Jeff Davis, Acadia, and Vermilions Parishes for extremely dangerous hurricane winds. The National Weather Service says treat these extreme winds as if a tornado was approaching and move immediately to an interior room or shelter immediately

In response to Hurricane Laura, Governor John Bel Edwards has mobilized the entire Louisiana National Guard, a decision he says hasn’t been made since Hurricane Isaac in 2012. Louisiana National Guard Sgt. Denis Ricou (Denny Ree-coo) says more than 3,000 guardsmen are out and ready to support response and recovery efforts.

Cut 4 (12)“…government” 

Ricou says those 3,000 plus soldiers will be utilizing the Guard’s extensive search and rescue assets.


State Fire Marshal Butch Browning says Urban Search and Rescue teams are on standby to respond to the areas impacted by Hurricane Laura. Browning calls the teams critical in responding to building collapses and people being trapped in buildings.

Cut 13 (08) “…ready to respond.” 

Northwest Louisiana is bracing to endure hurricane conditions throughout the day as Laura is projected to maintain strength even as it moves inland.

DeSoto Parish Sheriff Jason Richardson says they dealt with Rita in 2005, but Laura looks set to top that.

Cut 10 (09) “…we’ve seen.”