8:30 LRN Newscast July 13

New coronavirus requirements are in effect today. Everyone over the age of eight is required to wear a mask outside of the home, bars are closed but can provide curbside pickup and indoor social gathers are limited to 50 people. Louisiana reported 13-hundred new COVID cases yesterday and hospitalizations rose by another 61.

As the number of coronavirus cases continues to grow, is herd immunity a possible answer? Matt Doyle reports the state health department says no…
Cut 2 (30) “…I’m Matt Doyle”

Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley will discuss the guidelines the department has provided to local school districts on reopening schools next month at today’s House Education Committee meeting. Chairman Ray Garofalo says school officials will lay out exactly what a potential “hybrid model” of education would look like, and how much off-campus learning would be required.
Cut 8 (05) “…classroom”
The meeting will start at 10 AM and it can be viewed on the state’s legislative website.

If you’ve been working at home, but planning to return to the office. How concerned are you about your pet experiencing separation anxiety? A new poll found 59-percent of pet owners are worried. LSU Vet School Assistant Professor of Community practice Nancy Welborn says shake up the daily routine, as pets, especially dogs, can pick up on the patterns that indicate when someone is leaving…
cut 14 (11) “…the night before”