The state reported 882 new COVID-19 cases yesterday. 18-percent of all cases are 18 to 29-year-olds. Governor Edwards says while younger people think they may not get too sick from the coronavirus, there’s a lot about this virus we don’t know.
Cut 8 (07) “…may last forever.”
There are many Louisiana residents who refuse to wear masks, but with rising COVID-19 numbers, health officials are getting the word out on how masks can slow the spread.
Cut 2 (24) “…I’m Kevin Barnhart”
The American Psychiatric Nurses Association is concerned about the impact the COVID pandemic is having on nurses. Healthcare providers are witnessing COVID patients suffer to a greater extent compared to other diseases and APNA President Tari Dilks says it’s having an acute impact on their mental state and could lead to PTSD.
Cut 6 (12) “…slowly to death”
Dilks encourages those with family members and loved ones working on the frontlines to be supportive of the situation.
The state department of education released guidelines today on reopening schools. The D-O-E says public school students at third grade and older should wear face masks. Also schools should prepare to closed for three to five days if the school environment is determined to be a source of ongoing COVID-19 spread. New superintendent of education Cade Brumley will have more to say at 2:30 virtual press conference.