6:30 LRN Newscast November 4

Republican gubernatorial challenger Eddie Rispone ignites controversy by telling an Alexandria radio station that Governor Edwards’ career as a trial lawyer has hurt the reputation of West Point. Governor Edwards says the comments were offensive to him and other veterans of the Academy. Eddie Rispone doubled down and called Edwards’ response “fake liberal outrage”
Cut 10 (09) “…to do.”
Edwards is defending his work as a lawyer, emphasizing his roots in the small town of Amite City in Tangipahoa Parish.
Cut 13 (12) “…practice”
Early voting is underway for the November 16th election. There were a single-day record 86-thousand early votes on Saturday, the first day of early voting.

Your computer and phone updated automatically to the time change, but did you and is it compromising your health?
Cut 3 (29) “…I’m Brooke Thorington”

You are starting to see holiday shoppings ads on television as LSU marketing professor Dan Rice says research has found 40-percent of the population starts to buy before the big sales and the traditional season start. Rice says another trend on the rise is fraud, adding there are many vulnerabilities to keep in mind.
Cut 6 (11) “…phones and devices.”