With 10 days before open enrollment ends, nearly 150,000 Louisianians have signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services. Billy Justice, Director of Marketing for Vantage HealthPlan in Monroe, feels people are getting more knowledgeable…
CUT 3 (07) “that are offered”
The deadline to enroll is Febrary 15th.
With Budweiser’s Super bowl ad attacking the so-called craft beers, The Abita Brewing Company in Abita Springs is firing back with their own video message, saying – quote- “we’re no dog and pony show,” with a jab at the puppy and horses, and reminding beer drinkers of the differences between the two brews…
CUT 8 (10) Q: “brewing is fun”
That’s Abita President David Blossman.
In St. James Parish, Noranda Alumina is asking the State Department of Environmental Quality for permission to release mercury into the air, after learning they may have been doing so without a permit since they opened. D-E-Q spokesperson Greg Langley says they need to determine how much mercury has been released, and for how long, first before they fine…
CUT 10 (10) Q; “how soon”
Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner Mike Strain says they are offering employees an early retirement incentive rather than layoffs, in an effort to reduce employee payroll in the face of budget cuts. He says the workforce has been almost cut in half since 2007, but despite their fourth layoff avoidance plan, they have worked hard to fufill their mission…
CUT 14 (08) Q: ’12 billion dollars’