With only a week and a half left in open enrollment for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, officials say it’s time to get it done. Billy Justice, who is the Director of Marketing for Vantage HealthPlan in Monroe says people need of health insurance have plenty of options for residents…
CUT 5 (07) “for themselves”
In an effort to reduce employee payroll in the face of budget cuts, Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner Mike Strain is offering employees an early retirement incentive rather than layoff employees. Strain says a third budget cut is making the early retirement offers necessary. This plan is expected to result in continuing payroll savings and lessen layoffs next budget year. Strain says any further reduction in staff will make it difficult for his department to perform
CUT 13 (06) Q: ‘is critical’
Police in Crowley are searching for a suspect who allegedly shot and killed another man during an overnight robbery. The two men were reportedly in the same vehicle where a struggle took place, and 24 year-old Darius Thomas allegedly shot 24 year-old Daniel Tezeno as he tried to escape from the vehicle. Tezeno was pronounced dead at the hospital.
Abita Brewing Co. in Abita Springs has fired back at Budweiser’s Super Bowl commercial which essentially says craft beer is for snobs…:
CUT 2 (32) “reporting”