7:30 LRN Newscast Oct 3

Louisiana Oil and Gas Association President Gifford Briggs speaks in New Orleans today as he’s traveling around the state discussing issues impacting the industry. One of the topics he’ll bring up, their displeasure over the lawsuits against the oil and gas industry alleging they contributed to coastal land loss…
cut 14 (09) “…our coast”
Briggs calls the lawsuits against the oil and gas companies a shakedown.

In the governor’s race, the Republican Governor’s Association has a commercial that highlights Governor Edwards’ ties to Stacey Abrams, who the GOP says is a left-wing activist. Political Analyst Bernie Pinsonat says tieing Edwards to the party’s liberal wing could be effective….
cut 5 (11) “…successful”
A Super PAC connected to Edwards has released ads targeting Republican challenger Eddie Rispone’s business dealings.

LSU Superfan and 9-year old Colton Moore suffers from Spina Bifida and lives in Alabama, but today he travels to Baton Rouge to meet his idol, Coach Ed Orgeron. Colton’s mother Jennifer Moore never dreamed this would happen. A photo of Colton reached the athletic department and an invite was sent. LSU fans responded as well…
cut 7 (08) “…away”
Colton will participate in the Tiger Walk on Saturday morning with Coach O and the rest of the team.

The Department of Transportation and Capital Region Planning Commission are conducting a survey to get a better picture of the daily travel habits of area motorists. Capital Region Planning Commission Executive Director Jamie Setze says thousands throughout the five-parish metro area…
Cut 10 (11) “…best information available.”