6:30 LRN Newscast October 1

A new study ranks Louisiana as having the ninth-worst overall transportation infrastructure in the United States. Louisiana Good Roads and Transportation Association President Ken Perret says the study shows poor roads cost the average Louisiana driver 624-dollars a year in vehicle and operating costs and only six states have a higher percentage of structurally deficient bridges than Louisiana…
Cut 10 (10) “…timber pilings.”
Perret calls on all gubernatorial and legislative candidates to be open and honest with voters on how they will address transportation issues.

Saints and Pelicans owner Gayle Benson has reportedly donated 50-thousand dollars to the Gumbo PAC, which is a Super PAC dedicated to re-electing Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards. Gumbo PAC has produced TV ads attacking Edwards two Republican challengers, Ralph Abraham, and Eddie Rispone.

Bayou Steel in St. John Parish announces it is closing, resulting in the layoff of 376 workers…
Cut 1 (31) “I’m Kevin Barnhart”

The Attorney General’s office announces the Broussard Police Department is the home to the newest prescription drug dropbox. Special projects coordinator at the AG’s office, Monica Taylor, says the boxes are having a huge impact in the state’s effort to combat the state’s opioid epidemic…
Cut 7 (07) “…put in place.”
A Blue Cross Blue Shield grant has paid for the boxes.