LRN Newscast 15:30 February 2, 2015

The discovery of the remains of a pregnant woman from LeCompte (la COUNT), missing since 2011, has the woman arrested for her disappearance now facing murder charges. Authorities believe that 22 year-old Victoria Perez was allegedly killed by 39 year-old Pamela Causey Frefia (fra-GEE uh) in order to take the baby and raise it as her own. But there was more to it…
CUT 7 (11) Q: ‘she was pregnant’
That’s Allen Parish Sheriff Douglas Hebert.

It’s Groundhog Day, and in South Louisiana, we have the Cajun Groundhog Pierre C. Shadeaux, who didn’t see one. That should mean a longer spring for south Louisiana. Daily Iberian publisher Will Chapman says, Pierre almost always gets it right….
CUT 5 (05) Q: ‘pretty accurate’

Louisiana’s average price for a gallon of regular is now $1.86, which is up two cents a gallon from a week ago; an indication that the price drop has ended. Another indicator is the current price of wholesale gasoline…
cut 10 (10) “the retail side”
That’s Gas-buddy-dot-com senior petroleum analyst Gregg Laskoski.

There’s one commercial from last night’s Superbowl that is getting a lot of attention. It was the Nationwide Insurance ad called “Make Safe Happen”, where a little boy dies at the end. The ad has blown-up YouTube views, but the message did not have the desired affect for some…
CUT 14 (07) Q: “wanted it to be”
That’s Jensen Moore-Copple, who is an assistant professor of strategic communication with LSU’s Manship School.