The investigation continues today into a fatal fire in Avoyelles Parish that has left four dead. State Fire Marshall Butch Browning says the fire occurred just before midnight Thursday at a mobile home in Marksville…:
CUT 6 (07) “in this fire”
The victims’ ages range from 10 to 73-years-old.
Governor Bobby Jindal has issued an executive order that gives parents the ability to opt-out of the controversial standardized exam that’s part of Common Core. It also orders BESE to come up with an alternate test for those students who opt-out of the Common Core exam. But BESE president Chas Roemer says the executive order has no constitutional authority…
cut 20 (07) “…do anything”
Investigators are trying to determine what led to a fatalitiy at the International Paper Red River Mill in Natchitoches Parish. The sheriff’s office says 57-year-old Phillip Whitehead of Winfield fell 15 feet yesterday, suffering serious injuries. Whitehead was airlifted to a hospital in Shreveport, where he later died.
The LHSAA already has split playoffs between public and private schools for football, but the association is not ready to implement a split for other sports. That proposal, by Many principal Norman Booker, was defeated in a vote by high school principals. Booker says he’s eager to see what new LHSAA Director Eddie Bonine can come up with to make it more equal for public and private schools to compete for championships…
cut 13 (09) “…drawing board”