Governor Bobby Jindal has issued an executive order that calls on BESE to have an alternate test for those students who opt-out of the Common Core exam. But BESE President Chas Roemer says Jindal doesn’t have the constitutional authority to do that and he accuses the governor of creating chaos…
cut 9 (09) “…the course”
Concerns with Common Core testing has resulted in some parents opting out of standardized tests that will be given to students in March.
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says Saints Owner Tom Benson is in complete control. Goodell made the statement after he was asked about the lawsuit that claims the 87-year-old owner is not mentally fit to make important business decisions….
cut 30 (11) “…what he’s doing”
Goodell called the family dispute unfortunate.
With Mitt Romney making the official announcement he is NOT running for president, what does that mean for Governor Bobby Jindal who may run for President or one day seek an executive job in federal government ? ULL Political Science Professor Pearson Cross says Romney passed on Jindal as a vice- presidential contender in 2012 saying the two never really connected…
cut 10 (09) “Romney does”
And Cross adds when a potential marquis candidate drops out, it helps all the remaining candidates.
The forecast looks good for today as you can expect party cloudy skies with high temperatures in the low to mid 60s. But rain is in the forecast for Super Bowl sunday. High temperatures tomorrow in upper 60s, much colder for Monday, with highs near 50.