8:30 LRN Newscast Aug 27

3,500 Louisiana AT&T workers are on strike, protesting what they say is the company’s refusal to send a representative who can negotiate a new contract…
Cut 2 (30) “…I’m Matt Doyle”

The Eastbank Little League team from River Ridge received a hero’s welcome as they returned to Louisiana yesterday after winning the Little League World Series. A parade in their honor is scheduled for Saturday, but today it’s back to school for the 13 boys.

Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin is bringing back the “I voted” stickers for the fall elections. The state last had them in 2016 and they were a big hit, with many voters selling them on Ebay. Ardoin expects similar enthusiasm…
cut 5 (10) “….secret just yet”
Ardoin says his office is paying for the stickers and promises to have enough so each voter gets one. The new design will be unveiled during a press conference in Lafayette this morning.

The fall semester is underway at LSU and President F King Alexander says the freshmen class is the largest on record for the Baton Rouge campus and more students then ever are living on campus…
cut 14 (10) “…also graduating more”