After more Louisianians have been hospitalized and even died as a result of synthetic marijuana, multiple new synthetic marijuana compounds have now been banned. The new banned compounds are called “PX 1″, PX 2″, and “MDMB-CHMICA”. Dr. Mark Ryan, Director of the Louisiana Poison Control Center, says there have been several deaths in the state in the last few months related to synthetic marijuana…
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Ryan feels Louisiana is one of the most pro-active states in the nation in quickly regulating these substances once they are identified.
Louisiana ranks third nationally on a per-capita basis for inappropriate teacher-student relationships according to a recent study. Terry Abbott, a former chief of staff at the US Department of Ed and now chair of Drive West Communications, says there’s also a higher percentage of inappropriate relationships involving female teachers than the national average….
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He says they found 23 reported cases of inappropriate teacher-student relationships in the state in 2014.
The Louisiana Lottery says we’ve now hit the biggest Powerball jackpot of 2015 with tomorrow’s drawing worth a whopping $298 million dollars. Spokeswoman Kimberly Chopin says the current jackpot has been running since the end of November. She says the last big jackpot winner in Louisiana was from a May 2013 drawing so we’re due…
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Chopin says the current jackpot has a cash value of about $198.4 million dollars.
A Tulane University study discovers that cities who have teams in the Super Bowl see a spike in flu deaths. Researcher Charles Stoecker, says study also reveals the effect is worse in years when the flu strain is more vicious like this year’s strain…
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The study showed, based on county-level statistics, there was an 18-percent increase in flu deaths among those over the age of 65 in cities whose teams were in the Super Bowl that year.