A study looking at inappropriate teacher-student relationships finds Louisiana has the third highest number of cases in the country on a per-capita basis. Scott Carwile has the story…
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The State Fire Marshal’s is investigating a fire in Avoyelles Parish that has left four dead. They say the fire occurred just before midnight last night at a mobile home in Marksville. Authorities have confirmed a father, grandmother, son, and daughter all perished in the blaze. The identity of the victims have not been released. The fire remains under investigation.
Governor Bobby Jindal has announced the ban of three new synthetic marijuana compounds, “PX 1″, PX 2″, and “MDMB-CHMICA”. Dr. Mark Ryan, Director of the Louisiana Poison Control Center, says if you are concerned that a product contains an illegal substance, just look for the words “Not For Human Consumption” on the back of the package…
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He says there have been several deaths in the state in the last few months related to synthetic marijuana, sold under names like “Blue Diamond” and “Mojo”.
Saturday’s Powerball jackpot is worth a whopping $298 million dollars. Louisiana Lottery spokeswoman Kimberly Chopin says the last big jackpot winner in Louisiana was from a May 2013 drawing. She says since the match 5 prize has increased to a million dollars we’ve had plenty of those winners in Louisiana…
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She says the current jackpot has a cash value of about $198.4 million dollars.