3:30 LRN Newscast

Democrats including New Orleans Congressman Cedric Richmond say today’s testimony from former special counsel Robert Mueller makes it clear that President Donald Trump should be charged with obstruction because he interfered with the investigation into Russian’s alleged tampering of the 2016 election. But Bossier City Republican Mike Johnson assailed the Mueller team’s credibility and the says the investigation was run by partisan lawyers…
cut 15 (14) “…candidates”

For late July, it’s a perfect day for the Bayou State. State Climatologist Barry Keim says high temps were in the mid to upper 80s today…
cut 9 (07) “…so truly refreshing outside”
Another nice day is in store for Louisiana tomorrow.

Louisiana Senior Senator Bill Cassidy says the men and women who work for Customs and Border Patrol are stretched thin and need more resources. Cassidy says people are coming from around the world to get to the United States and they’ve got to do something different so that that system is not overwhelmed…
Cut 8 (12) “…bunches of people
Cassidy toured border operations in McAllen, Texas.

Today the media toured the new $28 million dollar football operations building at LSU as part of a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Athletic Director Scott Woodward says his goal is to see LSU have the best of everything.
Cut 3 (09) “…here at LSU.”
Even though there’s been some backlash against the lavishness of the facility compared to the bad shape of some academic buildings, Woodward says most of the feedback has been positive.