06:30 Newscast January 26, 2015

The Revenue Estimating Conference meets today to determine the budget shortfall the state is faces this fiscal year and next. Council for a Better Louisiana President Barry Erwin says it’s likely the mid-year cuts will be needed to offset the deficit. He says a big reason for the shortfall, lower than expected oil prices…

cut 4 (10) “less revenue”

Erwin says it’s hard to predict how much will be cut this fiscal year.

It appears that state Treasurer John Kennedy is testing the waters for a few races in this year’s upcoming elections. It’s reported that Kennedy has hired Virginia-based North Star Opinion Research to poll the races for governor, attorney general, and US Senate. Kennedy says, at this time, he’s keeping his options open…

cut 7 (09) “best contribute”

The survey shows the Treasurer topping a possible attorney general’s race and the leading Republican in a US Senate race should David Vitter become governor.

Senate President John Alario plans to meet with Governor Jindal this week to discuss ways to reduce a potential budget cut of up to $380 million dollars to Louisiana’s public colleges. He says that kind of cut would completely devastate higher education not only to the universities but to the children who are seeking it…

cut 13 (08) “shutting down”

Alario says he’s also heard that LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center is in danger if this type of cut comes down. He says they need to put their heads together and try to figure out how to fix this problem.