LRN PM Newscall December 5

Over the last week, the Louisiana Department of Health has seen a rise in reported flu cases.  Kevin Barnhart has the story.

Cut 1 (29) “I’m Kevin Barnhart”


One in four kids in Louisiana live in food insecure homes according to a new study. Matt Doyle has more.

Cut 2 (30) “Im Matt Doyle”  


With the holiday season in effect, the state has seen an uptick in flu cases.  This news comes after a horrible flu season last year, with triple the number of hospitalizations and deaths than normal.  Flu Bug expert for Louisiana Department of Health Frank Welch says if you have not received a flu shot yet, you need to.

Cut 3 (10) “…get that flu shot.”

After seeing such a rapid spread of the illness last year, Welch says this year’s swell in cases seems normal.

Cut 4 (09) “…the normal uptick.″

Welch says getting the flu shot only doesn’t guarantee someone won’t get the flu, but if they do get the flu after getting the flu shot, it won’t be so severe.

Cut 5 (10)  “…amount of protection.” 


The nation is bidding farewell to the 41st President of the United States, George H-W Bush, who had his funeral service today at the Washington National Cathedral in D-C. Bush, who lived most of his adult life in Texas, had a close connection to Louisiana. In 2001, he gave this advice to LSU graduates while delivering a commencement speech…

Cut 6 (12) “…your country”

Laura Bush, before she was the First Lady, was a commencement speaker at LSU in 1992 and former President George W. Bush spoke at LSU’s commencement in May of 2004. When George H-W Bush spoke in 2001 he told the graduates to be bold

Cut 7 (14) “it good”


A Report from Hunger Free America says Louisiana has the third highest rate of food insecure children in the nation. About 25 percent of kids in the state live in households where their parents do not make enough money, and CEO Joel Berg puts much of the blame on the state’s low minimum wage.

Cut 8 (10) “…enough food”

Arkansas and New Mexico led the list, with neighboring Mississippi coming in at 5th.

Berg says that doesn’t mean the state is a third world country, but it does mean many families are having to make tough choices choose b absolute necessities despite living in such a wealthy country

Cut 9 (12) “much poverty”

The report estimates food insecure homes would need an additional 441 million dollars in purchasing power a year to meet their basic needs.

Minimum wage increases have been passed in a majority of states over the past few years, but Louisiana remains one of the few left that utilize the federal minimum of 7.25 an hour. Berg says addressing that would be a good start towards addressing the state’s chronic poverty…

Cut 10 (08)   “…in Louisiana”

The report noted a significant decrease in food insecurity in states with minimums over 10 dollars an hour. The Governor is backing an 8.50 an hour minimum wage.


LSU Athletic Director Joe Alleva told ESPN Radio in Baton Rouge that despite the great year for the Tigers, it’s not time to talk about a contract extension for Coach Ed Orgeron. Tiger Rag Editor James Moran says it’s Alleva’s style to wait after the final game is played

Cut 11 (11) “…of the team”

Orgeron is currently getting paid 3.5 million dollars a year and his current contract does not expire until December 31st, 2021. According to USA Today, Orgeron’s salary is the 37th highest among college football coaches. Moran says he can see Orgeron getting a raise in the offseason

Cut 12 (04)   “…salary.”

Moran says LSU’s 9-3 season to this point was better than expected and that might result in an increase in pay and at least another year added on to his contract…

Cut 13 (11) “…the winter”