1130AM LRN News

Governor Edwards is on the west coast with a delegation aimed at promoting Louisiana’s film tax credit to big studios in California.  Kevin Barnhart has more.

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The Board of Regents has made the decision to perform an audit on universities, looking at admission policies.  Universities will begin submitting data in January.  Higher Education commissioner Kim Reed says the questions they are ultimately hoping to answer from the report are clear.

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The report is expected to be finished by late spring.

Today the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of a St. Tammany man who is protesting the U-S Fish and Wildlife Service designation that a portion of his land is off limits for unfettered development due to its importance to the endangered dusky gopher frog. The courts tend to side with the scientific administrations in the case of land disputes, but  Loyola University Law Professor Dane Ciolino says a new tactic may find a more favorable outcome.

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Eight justices will hear the case, as Judge Kavanaugh, who’s been nominated for the 9th slot, missed the 10AM appointment deadline to be allowed to preside on the case.

And Senator John Kennedy, says unless the FBI uncovers new, concerning evidence backing sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh, he intends to vote for him.

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The FBI investigation wraps up Friday.