1030AM LRN News

Senator John Kennedy says unless an FBI investigation uncovers any concerning new material about allegations of sexual assault against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, he says he’ll be supporting the judge in a vote he expects will be held within a week. Despite believing Kavanaugh, He expressed sympathy for Ford, but anger at Democrats.

Cut 9 (11) “… with that.”

The investigation is set to wrap up Friday.

Today the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments between and a St. Tammany man who says a critical habitat designation for his land is bunk, and the frog who the land’s been set aside for.  Loyola University Law Professor Dane Ciolino says the owner believes it’s government overreach.

Cut 5 (12)  “…land use.” 

Wildlife and fisheries says its land that’s crucial for the future survival of the frog.

The Board of Regents has made the decision to perform an audit on universities, looking at admission policies.  Kevin Barnhart has the story.

Cut 2 (29) ”I’m Kevin Barnhart” 

The FASA report is out for the 2019-2020 school year showing record high participation rates for program that qualifies students for grants and loans to help them afford the hefty costs that come along with higher education. FASA had an 84 percent participation rate this year, putting Louisiana number one in the nation for growth and submission rates, but the 16 percent who did not file reportedly missed out on 94 million in aid.