13 years ago on this date, Hurricane Katrina slammed into southeast Louisiana killing 18-hundred people in the region and leaving much of New Orleans under water. The storm’s fierce winds, combined with flooding made it difficult to communicate. Mike Steele, spokesperson with the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, says they now have a more secure communication network…
cut 5 (08) “….that was established”
The 4748 days since that fateful moment has left an indelible mark on the Pelican State, particularly Southeast Louisiana. Publisher of the Gambit Weekly Clancy DuBos says it’s hard to forget…
Cut 6 (10) “…tremendous loss”
Earlier this morning, there’s was a wreath laying ceremony at the Katrina Memorial in new Orleans.
The Mississippi legislature has approved legislation that creates a lottery in the Magnolia state. Chief Legislative economist Greg Albrecht says once Mississippi begins selling lottery tickets, it’s less likely Mississippi residents will buy lottery tickets in Lousiaina, which means less money for our state…
cut 14 (12) “….do that”
At least 35-percent of all lottery proceeds are transferred to the state treasury and the state constitution says that money must go to K-through-12 education.
Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser met with Iowa officials to discuss how the Bayou State can promote agri-tourism. Nungesser says if the weather permits, tourists like spending time outdoors and agri-tourism can take advantage of that desire…
cut 11 (06) “…capitalize on that”